RockStars' Aussies

Meet Perseus ("Percy" For Short!)
This energetic 6 year old pup is one of a kind. He has a go anywhere and love everyone personality. Percy's favorite thing is to chase any kind of ball! He also enjoys cuddles on a couch and car rides. From a young age he learned a few tricks like sit, stand, walk, waiting to eat a treat while it sits on his paws, learning his left from his right and on command jumping as high as my head! This pup is super sweet and beyond playful. He plays well with other dogs and is amazing with children. Percy is definitely the most unique and amazing dog I have ever had.
We got Percy as a puppy right before my husband deployed overseas. He was roughly 3 months old. Percy became inseparable from me and we went everywhere together. He has given me strength throughout every deployment and his goofy self brings so much joy to our lives. Percy is one of my fur best friends (next to his big fur sister, who does not do well with other dogs but Percy captured her heart as well.).
When we originally wanted to get a puppy, our thought was to get a companion for our deaf and seizure prone dog. Thankfully he is that. With very little training he can fetch his sister when we need him to, and he is the first to know she is about to seize. But wow this dog is both smart and loving, he loves being around people and would love spending all day by your side be it on a hike, or cuddled on the couch. Australian Shepherds are extremely intuitive and he has learned everything we’ve thrown at him so quickly. Aussie require a gentle hand, they are quick to pick up on rebuke and only aim to please. He has truly been an amazing fit for our family.

To The Starritt Family,
I can not tell you enough how you all have enriched our lives with not just one, but Two of your incredible Aussies. Theta, our female red merle, came into our lives in October of 2013. At that time, my husband was just getting home from deployment and our daughter was 4. Theta was just 8 weeks old when SHE adopted US into HER family. I say it that way because she didn’t see us humans any different than herself. She blended right into our family. I was nervous getting a “working” dog or “cattle” dog or a “herding” dog, because my family isn’t a farm/ranch/western family where we could allow her to exercise her “true nature”. But let me tell you what, she adapted to our lifestyle without any problems what so ever. She became an indoor house pet and became one with the family. She is so loyal and so obedient. In fact, she made such a wonderful impression that my military friends also wanted Australian Shepherds. She has such a unique personality for a dog and won everyone’s hearts over. She became my daughters “sister” and my extra hairy daughter. We fell so deeply in love with her that we couldn’t wait to get another Aussie from the Starritt family.
Along came Sigma, our male black Tri. Boy oh boy, how he is so vastly different from Theta, but still just as loyal, obedient, and smart. He has been in our lives for just about 3 years now. Both of these furry babies have made the best home security system, adopted members to the family, living entertainment, loyal companions, and best baby sitters. In fact, their favorite time of day is when that big giant yellow thing drops their sister off in the afternoon. They love that more than they love dinner time, though it’s very close. They are so amazing with kids. They have never growled or snapped at her, with younger children they are slow and gentle. With my daughter, if she is outside, they are outside with her. If she is jumping on her trampoline, they are up there jumping with her. They are the best, and so agile. They love to play Frisbee and fetch a tennis ball, they love to jump off the docks and go swimming, they even love going fishing. Theta’s favorite sport apart from Frisbee is diving for minnows, and she is actually REALY REALLY good at it. Cracks me up every time. These sweet babies have been such a dream to take out on adventures like hiking trails, gallery nights, festivals, the beach, and camping. They travel so well and are so well tempered, we get compliments anywhere and everywhere we take them.
There is something that is quite unique with these dogs that I haven’t ever witnessed with another breed, and I have been raised with a bunch of different breeds of dogs. That is, without “formal” training, these two dogs, incredibly, can sense if and when I am about to have a seizure. They have never had any kind of training on what to do, or how to act, or how to sense seizures. They just naturally picked it up. They have laid under my head so I wouldn’t beat it on the tile, they would alert my daughter or husband if I was going into one in the other room, and they would let me know when it’s time to sit or lay down because they knew when I was about to go into one before I even knew myself. It’s just absolutely incredible. There have been times when I have fallen and was unconscious, all to wake up to them licking my face to stimulate me back to awareness. I can say they have honestly saved my life on multiple occasions.
These beautiful dogs have been such an incredible and enriching blessing to our lives. I will forever be an Aussie fan after raising them from your line. Their tempterment and ability to adapt to lifestyle changes have been so impressive. I am forever grateful to the Starritts for the addition to our family. Thank you for the countless of smiles and heartfelt joy you have spread to our lives. We are forever appreciative to you and your beautiful family. God bless you and yours. Thank you again.
My families Australian Shepherd's name is Sapphire and she is the best! She has big, blue eyes and loves to sit and watch TV with my family. She is calm but playful and also does many tricks. She is a great family dog, is very smart, and was easy to train. I love her and would recommend this kind of dog to any one!

My husband and I have two Starritt Aussies, Peggy (F, 2015) and Pepper (F, 2017). Both dogs are great companions for our family, and brighten up our lives. Their high energy keeps us active, and their loving personalities keep us entertained and grounded. We enjoy taking our girls hiking, camping, and canoeing, or even just to the park to get our their zoomies. They both do great with kids and other dogs, and we wouldn't trade our fluff butts for anything.
I have owned our sweet aussie named Lexie for a year. She is a beautiful red tri with blue eyes. When I saw her puppy picture I knew she was for me. I had just finished a long 2 years of cancer treatment. I has been diagnosed with PTSD and depression from all the treatment and trauma I had. I felt very strong that I needed a emotional support animal (ESA) and a service dog for my cancer and diabetes. About eight years ago I first met Brittney and Lee through a camp with a horse program. During our rides and campouts their Aussies were around. Great dogs with their physical endurance and sweetness. Their dogs are smart and treated as part of the family. Well behaved and aware of boundaries with the horses. I have always wanted an aussie puppy from Brittney and Lee. They are very careful of their bloodlines and who adopts their puppies. My son also adopted a wonderful aussie named Whiskey from them 3 years ago. That sealed it for me. I was going to pick out a puppy from them. Lexie is a niece to Whiskey. I wanted a puppy through their lines of Max and Latigo. The training is slow due to Covid shutdown with trainers but what we have worked on she is a quick study and obedient. I have taken her on 3 round trips via airplane. She is a great traveler at my feet. I have her out with the horses while riding. She is learning quickly of boundaries. I'm so pleased and in love with Lexie. If I had my way I'd have more puppies from Britney's lines. When I have had questions I have always been able to communicate with Brittney and get my questions answered. You become part of the aussie family. I recommend them and their puppies whole heartedly.